Here are several resources to help your family grow in the grace and in the knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. We hope that you can use and enjoy them.
Family Finances Resources
Crown Financial
Crown Financial works to spread Godly Biblical principles and practices of finances to the world. Families that have a godly financial direction can exhibit a well rounded strength and balance in our present economy.
Family Policy Resources
Arise Ministries
Our dear brother Tom Stiles is the director of Arise Ministries. Arise Ministries promotes family, faith, and freedom through educational opportunities and materials. There are many brochures to keep your family informed on a variety of current topics.
Family Policy Alliance
Family Policy Alliance, formerly CitizenLink and Focus on the Family Action, advances biblical citizenship, and promotes pro-family legislation. They have national and state level resources to help inform and prepare your pro-family citizens.
*New York Family Action and New York Families Foundation,
Both New York organizations work well to keep New York families informed and engaged with their politicians and the policies for the promotion of the Gospel of Jesus Christ and pro-family values. They have many informative articles, and podcasts to keep your family engaged.
(*This was New Yorkers for Constitutional Freedoms and New Yorker’s Family Research Foundation)
Family Study Resources
Bible Gateway
Bible Gateway is a great site that has tons of online resources like web Bibles, Bible study reference books, and online devotional materials. Bible gateway also has an app with many of the same features. This is be a great tool for any family growing in Christ.
Biblia Todo
Biblia Todo is a multilingual site that has both Spanish and English tools for families who like to study the Bible. If you’d like to study the Bible using an online resource they have online Bibles, dictionaries, commentaries and concordances. This site is also useful because of its multitude of multimedia resources, including a Christian News section, the Bible verse of the Day photos, and much more.
Bogard Press

Bogard press is a great Christian curriculum publishing resource for churches. They publish materials for Sunday School, Vacation Bible School, and more. Some of Bogard Press’ resources include a Sunday School curriculum for both children and adults, an online Daily Devotional blog that follows the adult curriculum, and a weekly reading of the adult curriculum on their podcast show called, “Bogard Press Adult Study Guide.” Bogard Press is our current Sunday School curriculum provider.
King James Bible Online
This is an online version of the King James Bible. There are many biblical and Bible study resources available on this site, including verse of the day, bible search, dictionaries, concordances, etc. You can check out their online Bible study helps for your family Bible study.
Family Unit Resources
Smart Stepfamilies and Familylife
Stepfamilies and Familylife together are the largest web resource for stepfamilies and stepfamily ministries. They provides training, videos, articles, and hold conferences to promote healthy blended families.
Focus on the Family
Focus on the Family ministry is rich with many years of resources like articles, radio programming, videos, and family conferences specific to helping your marriage and family grow stronger in Christ.